Korvia has teamed up with Accurate Biometrics (one of the leading FBI-approved channelers) to create an FBI background check process specifically for those looking to teach in South Korea. Not only that, but you will be able to receive your results back in approximately ONE WEEK!
Follow these steps, and you will have an FBI background check in your hands in approximately 5-7 business days:
1. Get fingerprinted at your local police station right now
If you’re reading this and the sun is still out, get your fingerprints taken at your local police station right now. Print out two (2) standard FD258 fingerprint forms on standard A4 computer paper and take them with you. Two sets of prints are required by Accurate Biometrics to channel an FBI background check.
KORVIA PRO TIP: Get extra sets of fingerprints taken
This will save you a lot of time in the future if you ever plan to change jobs after your first year in Korea. By doing this, you can hold onto the extra sets and send one of them back to the US to get an additional FBI background check when needed. This lets you bypass the hassle of having to get fingerprinted in Korea and send your results back to the US. Kill two birds with one stone!
2. Fill out the Application Form
Download the Accurate Biometrics Korvia Form. This form is tailored for those who are going to teach English in South Korea. Fill out the sections HIGHLIGHTED in yellow. You can select the standard shipping service, but if you want your results even faster, choose the 2-day mailing service.
KORVIA PRO TIP: Get a secured PDF FBI check and obtain an apostille using Monument Visa.
Select “Option 1” on your application form and provide an e-mail address for faster FBI result. This service is provided to allow the applicant to retrieve/save/print your individual FBI response.
3. Fill out the payment form at the bottom of the application
We’ve worked with Accurate Biometrics to give applicants a $5.00 discount on the service. This Digital delivery service only costs $50 ($65 for US Mail & Digital Delivery) or $95 for your results with super-fast shipping (UPS Delivery). So in comparison, you have the option to either pay the FBI directly $20 and wait 4 months, or use this service for $55 and only wait 1 week.
*Due to rising costs for shipping and administrative fees, Accurate Biometrics is increasing the shipping/mailing fees as of August 1st, 2022. The fee will be increased by $5.00 for standard USPS mail and $10.00 for Priority shipping.
Make sure to pay by credit card to avoid any extra processing time!
4. Send
Send off the above application, payment form, and two sets of fingerprints in a manilla envelope (don’t fold anything!) to the following address:
Accurate Biometrics
Attn: Korvia
500 Park Boulevard
Suite 1260
Itasca, IL 60143
5. Wait for your FBI Background Check
Wait approximately 5-7 business days for your results to be channelled and mailed back to you.
6. Pat yourself on the back
That’s it! Pat yourself on the back and know that you just saved yourself 90% of the time by doing it the standard way. If you’ve already accepted a position and are in a bit of a time crunch, using this service can be a lifesaver.
For more detailed steps and information, please head over to the Official Accurate Biometrics – Korvia page on the Accurate Biometrics website.
Hi! I’m from Canada and to get my CRC I can choose either electronic “digital fingerprinting” or the traditional “ink and roll fingerprinting.” Which one should I choose?
Hi Abbygail!
Please check with the RCMP and which type they prefer. If in doubt, we recommend “ink-rolled” as it will allow you to get multiple prints done, so that in the future if you need another CRC done while you’re in Korea, you can send the extra prints back to Canada.
Alright. Thanks for your help Stephen. I’ll take that into consideration.
I would like to know whether the person can go to local Korean police station and do the finger print for FBI criminal background check. What is the procedure for the person who stays in S Korea who needs apostille for taking the finger print?
Are the background checks apostatized?
Hi Michael!
FBI Background Checks do not come pre-apostilled. Applicants will need to send the background check to the US Department of State for a federal apostille. Please head here for more information: https://www.korvia.com/us-department-of-state-apostille-address-change/
Can this background check be used for teaching in private schools (hagwons)?
Hi Amy!
Yes it can be used for private schools as well! It is accepted by Korean immigration, so all programs and positions should accept it.
Hi!! Such a great article, I have to say I’m surprised by all this useful information, but I think you have missed something, after all process that you have mentioned in the article were already done and if this document “which is FBI CBC” going to head back to Korea, before that, apostille will be necessary. please let me know if I was wrong or I missed anything.
Hi One Day Apostille,
Yes indeed all FBI background checks need to ultimately be apostilled before sending with your documents to Korea. However this article is specifically focusing on the obtainment of the background check. For apostille information please consult the following page: https://www.korvia.com/criminal-background-check-korvia-guide/
When I click on FD258 fingerprint forms and Accurate Biometrics Korvia Form links I get “Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.” Also, I get a script that reads, 1/1 NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161:. Do you have this form some where else on the site or should I contact Accurate Biometrics directly? Thank you.
Hi Bill,
We have updated our FBI fingerprint form’s url. Please try again.
We are sorry for your inconveniences.
I have a question regarding the fingerprint forms. I’ve done them multiple times and the officers have folded the sections with a ruler as to get my prints properly done. Of course, I straighten them out afterwards. Would that invalidate the FD-258 forms with this channeler? I’ve never had an issue with the fingerprint forms sending them to the FBI the normal way.
I am an American citizen but I live in Canada (not near the border). So I cannot get finger printed at a USA police office. How do you recommend me to get finger printed
Hi Lana,
From our experience you do not need to be finger printed in the US. You can get fingerprinted in Canada and then sends the prints to Accurate Biometrics or the FBI directly.
Hi, just curious but after looking at the Korvia form I noticed that the first and second page are identical but the first page is the only page that is highlighted. All we need is to include/print the first page and nothing else, right?
Yes. Please send off the first page of application, payment form, and two sets of fingerprints in a manilla envelope (Please do not fold anything!) to the following address:
Accurate Biometrics
Attn: Korvia
500 Park Boulevard
Suite 1260
Itasca, IL 60143
Thanks for the super swift response. You have a great day
Thanks for all this information! I wanted to make sure I fully understood the payment amount. i’m selecting the 2nd option that is recommended. That is $50 correct? Is there any other processing fee I need to include in this credit card form that I’m filling out?
Hi Jamie,
We suggest you to contact Accurate Biometrics directly for payment inquiries.
Have a great day.
Hello, I had a CBC from Accurate several years ago and still have one fingerprint card. So these expire, ie do the prints have to be recent?
Also, will the CBC with this method be a new check or a copy of the CBC from years ago (therefore, useless)?
Hi Britt,
Thank you for contacting us.
We suggest you to use most recent fingerprint card for your background check application and CBC is only valid for 6 months since it has been issued. Korean immigration office will not accept older background check for your E2 working visa application.
I just had my finger prints taken but they were done on cards provided at the police station. The cards basically look identical to that of Accurate Biometrics except under APPLICANT it doesn’t say: FD-258 (Rev. 9-9-13) 1110-0046
Can i still use these cards with my submission for a fast background check with Accurate Biometrics? I did write Korvia in the section that says: YOUR NO. OCA
We believe you can use your finger prints that police station provided however please check with accurate biometrics regarding this delicate matter please.
Thank you.
Creative post . I was fascinated by the information ! Does anyone know where I can get ahold of a template DoJ Form FD-258 document to use ?
What can we do if our fingerprints were rejected twice from the FBI? Is there any other way of receiving an FBI background check? Please help because I have no way of getting this information and the FBI can’t read my fingerprints.
This is too good to be true.
Has anyone tried it? Did it work for them? I was told to go through the NBCI website since they can expedite the process, but not in a week.
I like this service but please do not use regular mail. It’s been 3 weeks and it has not arrived! I called and had to change to USPS 2 day deliver. Now says will arrive Monday. It’s been a long wait. I never mentioned the CBC but i hope it has the FBI Seal so I can send it to the DoS.
Hello I’m not a Korvia recruit but need the criminal check asap. I’m in korea but can i still use this service? Please let me know asap
Hi Natalie,
You can use the service while you are staying in South Korea. However, you need to do your fingerprints done with Korean police department and you should provide a home address because result can’t be sent internationally.
THank you.
Hi! I was wondering if fingerprints expire–I had mine taken about a year ago.
Thank you!
Hi Eliza,
We believe your fingerprints has no expiration date however please try to contact Accurate Biometrics directly if they can accept your 1 year old fingerprints from.
Hi, im filling out the application and do we have to check the highlighted box for reason for request? I would be using the application to work in a foreign country, but the example application indicated to check for the “review for your own record” and I was just curious if that mattered at all. Thank you
Hi Katherine,
We advise you to contact your future employer who is requesting background check if she/he want to obtain the background check with a specific request. Also, you can contact Accurate Biometrics directly in order to make sure that you will have a correct background check for your use.
I’m from Canada and do we have to do finger printing?
I got the clearance letter, is that sufficient ?
Hi Diana,
You have to secure National level FINGER-PRINT based checks from the RCMP. Electronic submission only takes 5-10 days to process and paper fingerprint cards by registered mail can take almost 2 months.
Do you absolutely require the FD-258 documents to be printed on standard A4 paper? I printed it out on standard 8.5×11 and it looks okay.
Hi Yvonne,
We believe your FD-258 documents should be fine if it looks okay. However, you can always double check with accurate biometrics before you will send the form.
All of us are not American….
Do I have to apply through Korvia in order to send my fingerprints to Accurate Biometrics?
Hi Jeua,
Please apply directly to Accurate Biometrics.
Where can I get fingerprinted in Korea?
Hi for the address part of the form, can I use the korean address? I no longer have address in my home country.
Hi Sue,
We believe you have to use your home country’s address. We would like to suggest you use your parent’s address.
If I am in China, can I get fingerprinted in China?
Hi Payton,
You may able to get your fingerprints with Chinese police department however you have to contact your local police office directly for the process.
Can I use your Korvia link to get the 5 dollars off even if i’m not apart of Korvia Recruiting?
Hi Shey,
You can get your promotion if you will apply the service through our website.
Have a great day.
I live in Korea. Is it possible for me to go to a police station in Korea to get my fingerprints taken? If so, does it have to be at a station near my home or can it be done at any station in the country?
I accidentally selected option 1 instead of option 2 on my sheet and mailed it in. I’ve tried contacting Accurate Biometrics by leaving a voicemail and email but I have yet to hear back from them. I am wishing to change it to option 2. is there a better way to contact them?
Hi Amanda,
Here is a contact information of Accurate Biometrics and this is the only contact information that we have.
Accurate Biometrics
500 Park Blvd, Suite 1260
Itasca, IL 60143
P: 1-866-361-9944
F: 1-773-205-4020
E-Mail: [email protected]
Call us between 8a-6p CST, Monday – Friday
Chat with us anytime between 9a-5p CST, Monday – Friday
I followed this guide and got my background check back. Your example document had highlighted the “Personal Review” line instead of the “Live, Work, or Travel in a Foreign Country” option under the Reason for Request section. My background check returned positive, but says the following:
“This Identity History Summary (IdHS) is provided pursuant to 28 CFR 16.30-16.34 solely for you to conduct a personal review and/or obtain a change, correction, or updating of your record. *This IdHS is not provided for the purpose of licensing or employment or any other purpose enumerated in 28 CFR 20.33*”
Am I effectively out of $55 and two weeks of my time as I approach deadline? I will be calling the Secretary of State tomorrow to see if this is acceptable for obtaining a work visa, but it doesn’t sound like it will be and I will have to wait and pay again for the appropriate type of background check then get it Apostilled.
Did it end up working?
I have the same question! HELP!!
Will I be able to follow this service even if I am not a Korvia recruit? I applied independently and I am wondering if I will still be able to follow this process to obtain my fingerprints.
Yes, you can use this service regardless of your recruiter.
[…] weeks to get your results. The second method, which I prefer, is much faster but is quite costly. This site does an excellent job of explaining everything. It costs $50 and you are required to have 2 sets of […]
Sorry to ask basically the same questions others have asked, but I just want to be sure.
I am American, but I live in Korea now.
I am applying for a job, and I know the management, and the only holdup is the potential delay of my CRC.
If I am already working with a hiring team (not Korvia), and I live in Korea presently, can I still use this process to speed everything up?
If I start this process this week, how long should I expect everything to take (including getting the CRC apostilled)?
Thanks so much for your service!
I’ve read from a few other sources that we need to note that we need the CBC to have some form of seal to indicate that it was “notarized”? Will going through this channeler automatically do that or will I need to indicate to them that I request a seal to be apostilled? I’m worried about doing this and then not being able to get it apostilled by the Department of State
Channeler only can help you to obtain CBC, and you need to obtain Apostille by yourself, or you can use other services who can help you to get an apostille stamp however apostille service is expensive, and we recommend you to obtain by yourself.
Hi, I was not talking about apostilling the CBC. Sorry if you were confused. I read past sources that we need to have a piece of paper saying “Please provide an FBI seal and signature from a Division Officer for the purpose of obtaining a Federal Apostille.” Do we still need to do that?
Yes, you need the FBI seal and signature from a Division Office if you want to obtain a Federal Level of Apostille.
How do we go about getting the signature from the Division Office? Just put a note in with the fignerprints we send out?
Thank you for all this great information! If I am not a part of Korvia, but applying on my own, do I still put ATTN: Korvia in the address?
Yes, you should put ATTN:Korvia for the discount. Anyone can use this service with Korvia discount.
Is there a reason we check ‘To Review your own record’ instead of ‘To live, work, or travel in a foreign country’?
Thank you for this article. I am applying for a visa to teach in China. Can Korvia help me obtain an FBI background check that can be used for my Chinese visa?
Unfortunately, we are only helping teachers to teach in South Korea for now.
I have a quick question.
I recently got fingerprints and I plan to send off my information tomorrow. If I select option one the email option i can save the pdf and print off for future references?
Hi Jamian,
You can print out the pdf file however you may able to access once so keep your file safe. Also, you may want to apply an original copy of FBI background check if you are planning to obtain the apostille from the department of states by yourself instead of using 3rd party service such as Monument visa.
Great article! Is there a similar site on here where you get your diploma notarized and apostatized or do you have to do it the original way? Also will all this be process through in person for the diploma check notarized and apostatized or could we also send it by mail as well?
Hi Yow,
You can obtain an apostille on your copy of diploma by using Monument visa service, and we suggest you use this service for both FBI and diploma because it will be cheaper and save your time.
I did my CRC back in 2012 and I need to do it again…I think I understand but how do I get it apostilled???
Hi Brian,
FBI backgound check need to be obtained an apostille stamp by the department of states because it is federal level documents. We suggset you to use 3rd party apostille service company such as Monument visa (https://www.korvia.com/how-to-apostille-an-fbi-background-check-in-one-week/).
Can I send in a pdf of my CRC to be apostilled through Monument Visa? Aren’t I required to submit a hard copy of my CRC to the State Department for this?
Hi Ben,
Monument visa provides a service to obtaining Apostille stamp on your documents from the department of state. You can send a pdf file if you have obtained your FBI background check in pdf form.
Would this FBI CRC be accepted by TALK?(sister program of EPIK)
Hi Peter,
TALK program will accept FBI CRC like other public school teaching program in Korea.
Have a great day.
Hi There! Do I have to get a background check and have it completed before I apply? I would like to apply before the deadline of May 1st for the fall. However, I do not believe I will have time to get it completed beforehand. Also, when would be the latest I could submit it? Thanks in advance!
Hi Nancy,
You don’t have to obtain your background check in advance; however, we suggest you get your fingerprints form.
Thanks for the great article! One question that I have, is it possible to receive the results while living in South Korea? I’m currently living in South Korea and I need to obtain a criminal record check to upgrade my visa status. I’d be very grateful if you could provide any information about this. Thank you~~
Hi Skyler,
You can obtain your background check while you are living in South Korea. However, you might need to pay extra for getting an Apostille stamp on the FBI check.
1. Print out fingerprints form.
2. Visit local Korean police station for fingerprints done.
3. Shipping your fingerprints to Accurate Biometrics and apply for digital PDF result
4. Save PDF result after receiving an e-mail from FBI (Accurate Biometrics)
5. Send PDF file to Monument Visa (Apostille Service)
6. Monument Visa will send you the FBI background check after obtaining the Apostille Stamp on it.
*It will take 1~2weeks to get everything and please try to contact monument visa if you are in a hurry.
Hi. I’m wondering if this only applies to residents in the states, and not including the apostille process. I’m currently in Korea, if I applied throught Korvia, could I get my CBC sent back to me in Korea? That would be great as the FBI website says it must be sent to a US address.
Hi Aj,
This service does not include the Apostille process and you may need a help from Monument visa for obtainitng Apostille stamp from department of state.
Also, you can get your background check while you are living in South Korea.
I am planning on working in China. Would I be able to use this system for my background check and submit it to Chinese immigration? The article states that this is specifically tailored to South Korea so I’m wondering if it would be different. Thanks!
Hi Brad,
You can obtain FBI background check using this system however you need to notarize the document at nearest Chinese embassy or consulate.
Hi, just so I know I have the process correct.
1. Get fingerprinted with appropriate cards and forms.
2. Send two sets of fingerprints to Accurate Biometrics and either select the $50 or $70 option to receive FBI background/Identity History Summary Check.
3. Once received, can be sent DIRECTLY to be APOSTILLE using either regular methods or Monument Service (for expedited requests).
The FBI Background/Identity History Summary will be signed and sealed by the FBI, no need for additional work, correct?
As well the PDF portion and received FBI Background/ Identity History Summary are VALID DOCUMENTS.
Thank you!~~Griselda~~
Is the FBI background check a nation wide one and is it good for SDALS?(Samyook SDA Language School)
Hi Amaline,
Your FBI background check should be acceptable for SDALS however you have to make sure that your FBI result will have Apostille stamp on it.
Wish you all the best for your new adventure.
Is this approved for all USA states? and May I also do your Apostille stamp in one week?(Monument visa for obtainitng Apostille stamp)
I noticed on the form that “To review your own record” is highlighted. Shouldn’t it be “To live, work, or travel in a foreign country”?
I need to back my FBI background check finished (as the FBI failed on my previous attempt) as quickly as possible in order to obtain my Korean visa. Can you please tell me the exact process, step-by-step, to get my fingerprints to the channeler, get the application for background check to the FBI, have it processed, get an apostille stamp affixed, and have the approved FBI check sent to my father as quickly as possible? As well, how much will all of this cost in total?
Thank you.
Ok… so i got the check done but in huge bold writing it says “This IdHS is not provided for the purpose of licensing, employment or any other purpose enumerated in 28 CFR 20.33.”
That sounds like exactly the opposite of what i need it to say or what is advertised on their website 🙁 any advice? Thank you.
What is the price for the PDF e-mail option? I think that would be nice to know. All I can find is $50 for regular mail shipping and $70 for faster mail shipping but nothing about the online option. Thanks.
Hi Jack,
Price is same, and it is $50 for the PDF e-mail option.
Hello I’m currently in Korea, Korean but resident of United States and I need my FBI background check for my job.
Is there a way I can make payment from Korea and get my background check asap???
Hi Jennifer,
Please print out FBI fingerprint form then, visit local Korean police station (경찰서) for fingerprints. You can send your fingerprints form and application to accurate biometrics.
You have to make sure that you will request for FBI check in PDF form. You will be able to receive an e-mail by Accurate Biometrics then you must forward the PDF result to monument visa (Apostille company) then they will send you the FBI result with Apostille stamp on it by DHL or FedEx.
This might cost you around 150~200USD however it is a very reasonable cost if you can imagine to fly back to your home country and do all the process.
We wish you all the best.
I’m currently in Thailand, leaving for Korea next week. Is it okay that I get fingerprinted at a Thai police station?
I’ve sent my application along with fingerprints down at a local police station done here in Seoul. I’ve sent a 50$ money order with my application and finger prints. I hope this is ok? Thank you
Hi Sammy,
Please try to contact accurate biometrics directly if you want to check your application status.
Have a great day.
Hello, I am a US citizen and currently in korea so I no longer live in the states, not even my parents, only trusted friends. I need to get my FBI CBC and apostille it.
so I’ve read that it says no third party in the “mail results to address” section in the application form, so can I just write my name in the “Applicant name” and my friends address?
I have a friend who can receive my documents as I learned that you dont do international shipping. so I wrote my friends address.
and for the payment process, I dont have a credit card so I will use my sister’s , but she also live is in korea and no longer lives in the states. and her credit card was issued in korea. so I will write her name and card info. but the billing address, which address shall i write? My sister’s address in korea where the card was issued? or my friend’s in the states?
I also need to know the amount of money to write it. so for the application its $50. what about the apostille?
How much should I write? I want the FBI CBC to be apositlle. so Which shipping service should i choose?
and I want all my documents to be send at my friends address in the states.
Hi Salwa,
We recommend you take a look at this article because this will be easier.
HI, I’m working in China. I see you are accepted by the South Korean immigration do you know if you are accepted by Chinese immigration
Hi Kristal,
Background check may acceptable however you must authenticate your background check by Chinese embassy or consulate additionally.
Hi, I am planning to get FBI criminal record for working in Korea, but I am not applying for English teacher.
Is it still the same thing?
Or is this one here only for English teacing job in Korea?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Cat,
You can use this background check for other visas as well. Please don’t forget to obtain your apostille stamp on your background check.
Hello Korvia,
Can I use your form with accurate biometrics to get my background check even if I am not using Korvia to apply to teach in Korea? I’m applying with no recruiter.
Thanks so much.
Hi Rochelle,
You can use our form with accurate biometrics to get your background check. We are supporting teacher who is applying directly to Teach English program in Korea.
I’m living in Vietnam (I’ve been here 2.5 years) at the moment and changing employers, and they need a new background check (despite my not having lived in America for eight years). I know this is tailored for people going to teach in Korea, but can I use it for my situation as well? I need the background check as soon as possible, and I can’t fly to California for a live scan.
Hi there, so i’ve obtained my pdf copy of my fingerprints. But I’m confused about where I get them apostilled. I see you guys have the information for monument visa and it says that I can email them a copy of my PDF with the form. However, I don’t see any information on where to email that information.
Hello, I am currently in Japan and I am having problems getting my fingerprints taken (Embassy or Police won’t do it). There is only one private company that does that. Would that work?
Quick question: on the bottom of the applicant info form, the version with all the yellow highlights has To Review your own record as the reason for request. But wouldn’t our reason be to live, work or travel in a foreign country?
I am trying to download the application form for it but is there another form I can download as the one you provided on the article has “Example Only – Please Fill the Fields Below on Original Form.” Or I’m not sure if that’s okay if I just download it and just fill it out anyways. Thank you, looking forward to a response.
[…] for free and used Korvia’s connection with Accurate Biometrics for my FBI background check (https://www.korvia.com/how-to-get-an-fbi-background-check-in-one-week), This expedited service costs $50, but it’s worth it! It’d cost $20 if you […]
I applied to you guys but I got a rejection email saying you currently do not have positions that fit my job requirements.
I noticed that the “FD258 fingerprint forms” say Korvia on them.
Can I still use those even though you guys rejected my application?
Yes, you can use it and our name is on the application form so you can have a discount from Accurate Biometrics.
Thank you for your reply.
I was also wondering if I could have an opportunity to speak with a recruiter.
I am a US citizen but I am originally from Iraq. I have been in the US for 12 years.
I have my BA and MS from the US.
Would I be able to be an English teacher in Korea? I think I would be a great fit as I have been in the same situation as the students.
It says that we can get the results in 24 hours when using a LiveScan. Is there a particular form to use specifically to get the Livescan results instead of the fingerprinting card?
Do our fingerprints need to be in ink or can they be digital LiveScan?
Thanks so much!
Hello. I have my FBI background check and only need the apostille. Can you help?
Do I need to provide an envelope in the manila folder with a return address?
Hi, do the print outs have to be color?
Hi. I need to get my fingerprints done ASAP and I’m in Korea. Will they mail my results to my Korean address?
Does it absolutely have to be on A4 paper? I printed out the fingerprint form on regular 8 x 12-or will they not take it?
Hello, I’m in China and I would need to get my Criminal Record to apply for a job. What is the fastest way I can make it?
Is here in China a company like you, that could speed up this process?
I really appreciate your help.
I’m a US citizen, currently teaching in Thailand. I want to apply for a fbi background check but I’m not ready to fly back to the United States. Is it possible for me to obtain an FBI background check in one week from Thailand by printing out the FBI form?
Do I need to take ink-rolled fingerprinting or are live scanned prints sufficient?
Must I mail it in a Manila envelope? Can I mail it in another type of envelope as long as it is the correct size that will not bend the forms?
Please clarify. Is this a 2 step process? I initially send off my fingerprints and completed application for the background check and then when I receive the background check return it to you for expedited apostle service?
1. Print Fingerprint form
2. Visit Police Station
3. Obtain Fingerprints
4. Send the original to Accurate Biometrics (The channeler)
5. Receive the result after one week. (ONLY US Address)
*Please get the PDF result if you don’t have US address to receive the package.
I just sent my paperwork/application off the the Accurate Biometrics in Itasca, IL and was wondering if I will receive any notifications you received it, and how long the process typically takes.
Hello Savanah,
Accurate Biometrics and Korvia are not the same entity. Please check the status with Accurate Biometrics directly, please.
Two sets of fingerprints? Does that mean two sheets? Or does that just mean left and right? I’m doing this for the second time, and I can’t recall if I had to send in two sheets, or just left and right.
Hello David,
You only need one sheet at each time of FBI application. We suggest you obtain two sheets of fingerprints at the same time because you can save your time in the future. Your fingerprints sheet have no expiration date but you FBI result.
Can I use this service even if I’m not applying through korvia? For instance, if I’m applying directly to schools in Korea…
Yes, you can use this service.
I’m in Thailand and obtained the fingerprints from the a Thai police. Can I use your services as I need the FBI check very quickly. What do I need to do? I’m going to China very soon. I understand I will need the Authentication from the Chinese embassy. Are you able to help with this?
You can obtain your documents while you are staying in Thailand. However, you must use both Accurate Biometrics (Channeler Service) and Monument Visa (Authentification Service).
1. Print out fingerprints forms
2. Obtain your fingerprints from a Thai police
3. Send the fingerprints to Accurate Biometrics for obtaining FBI result in PDF form
4. Forward PDF to Monument Visa for Authentification
You might need to pay extra cost for FedEx however you can ask him to send it directly to China for Z visa.
Who is Accurate Biometrics?
I live in Korea and have an APO address. Can you mail to an APO or do I need to select Option 1 and receive it via the internet?
I just had mine done but I chose the work abroad option instead of the review for personal records option. Will this be a problem?
We don’t believe it will be a problem. Please don’t forget to obtain the Apostille stamp on your background check.
I am just wanting clarification. I have everything filled out already but I did not know if I need to put the $50 for the total amount billed to the credit card or if I left that blank.
Hello Megan,
Please contact Accurate Biometrics for payment inquiry.
I filled out all of the information but had just one question. For the payment portion, do I put $50 as the amount charged?
You may need to pay more depends on your shipping option.
May I ask if I can self fingerprint? I’m in Florida and preparing to apply for positions in May/June but all of the police stations around me are closed to the public.
Thank You!
Unfortunately, you can’t self-fingerprint. You must visit one of the police stations for the fingerprints done.
Just for clarification, I am in a huge time crunch to get my diploma and FBI background check apostilled. Does this service for the FBI background check also include it being apostilled? or do I have to send it again to be apostilled by someone?
I am needing a FBI background check for working in the EU. Can I still use your service? If so, which forms do I download and fill out?
Yes, you can use this service.
Is it possible to get a printed-out copy of the FBI check results (from email) apostilled?
In other words, could I check option 1 and then print out the results, and send it to MonumentVisa to get it apostilled?
You don’t have to print out the PDF because they can do it for you.
then how do we send the pdf from? Is it by email? How to send it to Monument Visa?
Yes, you can send your pdf by email to Monument visa.
As some people have written above,
I have used the service you’ve suggested and gotten back a “16.30-16.34 solely for you to conduct a personal review and or obtain a change, correction or updating of your record. THIS IDHS IS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF LICENSING OR EMPLOYMENT OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE”
can this actually be used for visa application or not?
You can use it for visa application if your background checks obtained by Accurate Biometrics. Please try to obtain Apostille on your background check with Monument Visa (Apostille Agency)
I called my local police station today, and they said that their live can services are not open to the public. Can I go to a center that does fingerprints? Thank you.
If you are in seoul, you can go to the Main Police Station by Gwanhanmun. They will give you full service and any amount of copies you need.
With COVID-19, can I still get the result back in one week?
According to FBI website; “Current processing time for Identity History Summary requests submitted electronically is estimated to be three to five business days upon receipt of the fingerprint card. Allow additional time for mail delivery if this option was selected during the request process. Current processing time for Identity History Summary requests submitted via the mail is 8-10 weeks. Allow additional time for mail delivery.”
I’m currently visiting Seoul as a short-term visitor without a visa and hoping to obtain a F-4 Visa before my 3 month legal status is up in Feb 7, 2021.
I wonder if it would be faster to use your service to get my FBI Identity History Summary than sending the finger prints directly to FBI via mail from Seoul.
You can get your background check quickly if you will obtain your FBI result in PDF. Please try to contact Accurate Biometrics if you have further questions.
I was curious if this FBI Background check would be okay for the Jet Program. I assume so, but thought it best to double check. Thanks!
We believe this FBI background check can use for other countries.
Hi , I’m living in Japan and I’m app for a job in Korea and need a CRC. Could I still use Korvia ? Cause I look around Japan and I found a place but I’m not sure if the Korea immigration would accept it . Thank you
I am a US citizen that’s in Korea right now and need an apostilled FBI background check ASAP for my F-4 visa. I read through some of the comments and I was wondering if I check option 2 on the Accurate Biometrics form, I use the emailed PDF result to send to Monument Visa Service. I am seeing conflicting information through some of the replies so I just want to make sure I will absolutely get an emailed result as well as hard copy mailed to my US home address. Thanks.
If I want to get my results via email, how much does it cost?
For more details and accurate pricing, please contact them directly for a quote, and they will have the exact amount for the services you need.
Great article! Thanks for sharing this information. Background checks have become to be a crucial component of hiring new employees. FBI Background Check Service are typically performed to look up the applicant’s criminal history. Adoptive parents, students, or workers going abroad can also submit to background checks.
Hello I was wondering if option 1 (sending to Email) is free? There’s no fee next to that option
There should be no shipping fee since you are receiving it through email, but for exact pricing and information please check the agency’s website.
Just an update, my documents arrived at the accurate biometrics facility today, and they emailed me to say that they can no longer accept applications that are from outside of the US. I’m not sure if they can still accept applications from WITHIN the US, or if I can send my paperwork to someone in the US and have them mail it from there. But it caused me to waste almost three solid weeks of mailing time just to be told that they couldn’t help me, so it might be a good idea if someone could look into whether this is a new change or not.
To whom this may concern,
Can applicants still apply if they are using a U.S. military address/APO (Army Post Office) that’s technically outside of the U.S.?
Yes, as long as you can get a hold of the necessary documents and near a Korean consulate, you will not be restricted from applying.
Hi, I need FBI background check for Canada PR application. I am residing in Istanbul right now. I have my fingerprints ready. How does the process work for me? And how long does it take to receive the final document? Thanks.
Hello. I am an American citizen living out in Korea but also need to provide the FBI background check as I am able to apply for a Korean passport and this is one of the required documents. Would this service also be able to provide or extend the service to my situation?
Great Blog!
I’ve sent all documents three weeks ago, and still haven’t received any email messages or even returned documents.
Whom should I contact about this?
Hi YN, you will need to contact the agency you sent your documents to.
This is such a helpful guide for anyone needing an FBI background check quickly! The step-by-step breakdown, especially using Fieldprint USA for digital fingerprints and Monument Visa for apostille services, makes the process so much clearer. It’s great to see the updated policy for overseas applicants too. Thanks for sharing these practical tips—it’s a must-read for anyone navigating this process!
This guide is incredibly helpful for anyone needing an FBI background check quickly, especially for use in Korea. The step-by-step breakdown—using Fieldprint USA for digital fingerprints and Monument Visa for the apostille—makes the process clear and manageable. I also appreciate the update about the FBI’s new policy for those overseas, which is crucial information for expats or international applicants. For anyone on a tight timeline, this is a lifesaver! Great resource for navigating what can often be a confusing and time-consuming process.
“This is an incredibly helpful guide! Many people don’t realize that getting an FBI background check quickly is possible with the right approach. Your breakdown of the expedited options and required documents makes the process much easier to understand. Thanks for sharing such valuable insights!”
This article provides a comprehensive guide on obtaining an FBI background check quickly, especially for those overseas. It highlights the updated FBI policy and recommends using Fieldprint USA for digital fingerprinting and Monument Visa for apostille services. A valuable resource for anyone needing a fast and efficient way to secure an FBI background check for international use!
Great article! It’s really informative to learn about the process of obtaining an FBI background check and the steps involved, especially for those needing it for international purposes. For schools or organizations looking for a reliable 10-panel drug test kit, UK Drug Testing offers a new option that screens for a wide range of substances. It’s a great guide for understanding the factors that can delay the process!
This is such a useful and well-organized guide! Getting an FBI background check can feel like a daunting process, but your tips on speeding it up to one week are incredibly helpful. I especially appreciated the step-by-step instructions and the emphasis on having all the necessary documents ready.