GEPIK Final Documents Downloads
GEPIK Final Documents are documents required to either be eligible for a certain benefit or agree to additional terms. Please ask your recruiter for more information about any of the following documents if you believe you qualify.
Print Single-Sided. Black&white-printed is acceptable.
Make sure to sign in pen in the Signature box(es) on your application.
Print every single page of the application including personal essay and lesson plan. If applicable, print out all the lesson plan materials such as handouts, worksheets, PPT, etc..
For more information, check out the following – Photo Guideline (Click)
*Kimchi Mobile provides Passport Photo Developing Service for Native English Teachers in South Korea. For more information, take a look at the website:
Print and submit your up-to-date resume.
If the words appear to be too small, do not worry. Please still print it out.
If the words appear to be too small, do not worry. Please still print it out.
The information page of your passport is needed. Do not send your original passport. A color copy or a black&white copy; either is fine.
Proof documents that contain the personal information of parents, spouses, and children, which needed when applying for F visa.
There are basic certificates with personal information about yourself. There are further documents required based on purpose of th visa. marriage certificates with personal information about your spouse (F6), a certificate of adoption with information related to adoption (F4), Family registry certificate asking your parents information (F4)
you can apply these documents from the overseas Korean consulate or local Community Center in Korea.
The information page of the passport is needed. A color copy or a black&white copy, either of them is fine.
National Level Criminal Background Checks are only acceptable, and Criminal Background Checks should be apostilled.
- For US citizens, FBI background check with affixed apostille by the US Department of State is needed.
- For Canadian citizens, RCMP background check verified by the Korean consulate in Canada is needed.
Criminal Background Checks are ONLY valid for 6 months after issued. (For instance, if your contract starts in September in Korea, your criminal background check should be issued in March or later in your country)
Please do not remove or detach the apostille/consular seal. The detached or damaged background check is not acceptable and is considered as invalid, and you will have to obtain another one, which will result in a significant delay in the process.
- Criminal Background Check Guideline (Click)
- Criminal Background Check Guideline for Canadian (Click)
*If you have submitted Criminal Background Check to receive your current visa to Korea and are planning to transfer your visa within Korea for your new employment, you are allowed to submit photocopies of the Authenticated documents. For more information, check out the link below,
If you currently reside in a 3rd country for two years at the time of applying to any teaching jobs in South Korea, you must obtain a criminal background check from the current country when the Korean immigration office requests for it.
A Notarized and apostilled BA/BS degree is required. Do not send the original diploma to Korea. For more information about the degree requirement, check out the following – BA diploma Guideline (Click)
- For US citizens, BA/BS degree can be apostilled at a state level. It doesn’t have to be apostilled in the same state where your university is located, however, it has to be apostilled within the same state where your degree is notarized. The Monument visa can help you to get the notarized and apostilled degree copy. –> Monument Visa Apostille Services
- For Canadian citizens, the Canadian equivalent to an apostille is the Consular Seal affixed by the Korean consulate. Get your degree copy notarized by a certified notary public first and bring the notarized degree copy to the Korean consulate in Canada to get it verified. –> Canada Degree Verification
Please do not remove or detach the apostille/Korean consular seal. Any detached or damaged document is not acceptable and is considered as invalid.
*If you have submitted the apostilled BA degree to Korea to receive your current visa and are planning to transfer your visa within Korea, you are allowed to submit photocopies of the authenticated documents for your new employment. For more information, read the following –> How to get photocopied documents from the immigration/education office
A transcript must reflect all coursework, credits, and grades earned previously that were eventually contributed towards the degree.
If you have attended/transferred more than one college/university, please make sure that your most recent academic transcript states all the coursework credits and grades including your previous academic history. If not, you will have to obtain all academic transcripts from individual colleges/universities you have previously attended.
If you are currently a student, please initially submit your most recent official transcript and submit a finalized official transcript upon graduation.
Please ensure your letters of recommendation include letterhead of the organization, ink signature of the reference, your full legal name, issue date, phone number, and e-mail address.
The ink signature cannot be written over the electronic signature. The letterhead can be replaced with an official business card. (Images do not count.)
Upon receiving your documents, we will examine both letters and see any signs of a forged signature.
Submit a photocopy of the original certificate or a digital certificate. If you are in progress to take a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA course, you have to submit an official letter proving that you enroll a course from the institute.
If you have submitted photocopy of certification as you final document, you must bring the hardcopy of the certificate with you when entering Korea.
TEFL certification Guideline (Click)
CELTA certification Guideline (Click)
A Sample LCT TEFL Certificate
- TEFL/TESOL certificate
- Teaching certificate
- Or currently working as a full-time teacher
If you have a Master’s degree in Education, ESL or TESOL, you should submit an apostilled copy of the Master’s degree as well as the apostilled BA degree. The Apostilled Master’s degree in the aforementioned discipline is required for a higher salary consideration.
If you have a Master’s degree in another discipline but Education/ESL/TESOL, a photocopy of it will suffice.
A transcript must reflect all coursework, credits, and grades earned previously that were eventually contributed towards the degree.
- Teaching subjects, grades/ages, teaching hours per week, employment period including starting date and end date (MM/DD/YYYY), your status (full time), your full legal name, your tittle, and the written date.
- Director, HR division, Administrative office, Principal, or Vice principal.
- A teaching proof / teaching history letter issued by an Education Office is only acceptable with a public school program such as GEPIK.
- Hagwon Experience: 1-Year Contract is not sometimes fully verified as Hagwon teachers are only able to be registered to Education Board a few days later from one’s arrival, so your registration date must be double checked to know your exact salary level with GEP IK in advance. You can visit either the Education Office or any Public school’s administration office (as they connect to the Education Office) to request this letter by providing them with your school information. Or you can use a private agency for this: Kimchi Mobile Service (Click for her for EVD service details). The form is called 경력증명서 (Gyong-reok-jeong-myung-seo) in Korean.
- Teaching Experience outside of Korea: Only Public School Teaching Experience is recognized and acceptable and must be proved with an official letter with exact contract period and contact information of the institution.
Please submit a printed copy of teacher’s license or certificate.
You have to obtain a license that is valid during the contract.
- Written date
- Letterhead of school
- Contact information including phone number, mailing address, and email address
- Ink signature or school stamp
- Attendance Period (MM/YYYY)
- Stating that the medium of school is English and English only
- High school diploma
- High school official transcripts
- Verification letter from either an organization you went through or your parents, if they were the ones who homeschooled you
Please refer to #14.
Some Contracts require to sign on every pages of them, so make sure you are not missing any part of it.
GEPIK Contracts also offers to sign on the boxess of last page of the contracts.
If you have tattoo(s), please submit a photo of each tattoo.
Print and complete to the best of their knowledge a self-medical checkup that asks standard and general questions about their current health condition.
The Health Check will follow shortly after your arrival (it should be done within 3 months of your arrival according to immigration laws). The check typically costs around 100,000 KRW, which is an expense you will have to pay, and it examines for TBPE and drugs. The drug test checks for all kinds of drugs, including marijuana. *Marijuana is not legal in Korea.
Pain pills also can show up on a drug test, and it can lead to a false positive. To prevent this, Korvia strongly recommends teachers not to take ANY medication from the week of their departure to Korea until the medical check-up day in Korea (no medication at least for a week). If the drug test results are positive, their contract can be immediately terminated.
※ You should take the Medical Check-up at a government-approved hospital, public health clinic or general hospital according to the immigration laws. Since you will not be familiar with the area, your co-teacher will help you to find a suitable hospital near your accommodation for the health check after your arrival. If your co-teacher does not discuss the health check after 10 days of your arrival, you might need to talk to your co-teacher about it.
It’s better to do the health check as soon as you can. To apply for your ARC, your health check results need to be submitted as part of your application. The results are good for 1 month only.
[ What to prepare for getting a Medical Check-up ]
- Passport style Photos: 2~5 copies
- Valid Passport
- Cost: 60,000~150,000 KRW (1,000 ~ 5,000 KRW for an extra copy of check-up results)
*Please avoid eating and drinking 8 hours before the medical tests.
- letterhead, contact details of the institution (email and phone number), doctor’s ink signature, written date, your personal information such as your name and date of birth)
If you currently work in Korea, please submit a copy of your ARC card (or Residence Registration Card for F visa holders). Front and backside, both are needed.
Certificate of Entry & Exit (출입국사실증명서)
If you are in Korea teaching English, EPIK require you to submit certificate of entry & exit.
You can obtain this certificate by visiting the immigration office or local district office. You can also apply online or via post. Further information is available on the link below. (Unfortunately, the website is in Korean only.)
Online certification Registration (click)
The helpline is also available at 1345.
If you stay outside of Korea for more than 90 days under the E2 visa, you have to submit a new set of work documents, including your CRC, diploma, and transcripts. If you are unsure, please check back with us.
Application For Confirmation of Visa Issuance you submit at the immigration office. We write this application on behalf of applicants. So please fill out the visa information form correctly.
신규 채용한 원어민의 E2 비자 (사증) 신청을 하기 위해 출입국사무소에 제출하는 신청서 양식이므로 정확한 내용이 기재되어야 합니다.
Immigration Application form when you apply for ARC, visa extension etc at the immigration office.
신규 채용한 원어민이 외국인등록증 (ARC)을 신청하거나 연장을 할 때 출입국사무소에 제출해야 합니다.
The form reporting on alteration or additional of employment place. If you plan to move to a new school or add an additional employment, you must submit this form at the immigration office.
원어민이 근무처를 변경하거나 추가 시 출입국사무소에 근무처변경신고서를 제출해야 합니다.
- Obtain 원본대조필/Certified copies: You should travel to your MOE/POE. You have to retrieve the copies stamped by the MOE/POE with a verification stamp (원본대조필). The stamp should be accompanied with the date, the title of the officer & name, and the MOE/POE. (Just a 원본대조필 stamp is not fit for purpose.)
- Obtain 즉시공개서, 정보공개청구서/Immediate Information Disclosure: You need to go to the immigration office. You may retrieve the copies along with 즉시공개서, 정보공개청구서. (Without 즉시공개서, 정보공개청구서, photocopies are invalid.)
Application form when you move to new residence in Korea. You must submit it within 14 days since when you move, or you get fined. You need to file a move-in report to the head of the city(시)/county(군) /district(구), or the head of the immigration service office with jurisdiction over the new place of residence.
거소신고증(Residence Registration Card)는 E2원어민들이 신청하는 외국인 등록증(ARC/Alien Registration Card)와 유사하나, F4비자 소지자의 경우, 일반적으로 최소 2년의 체류허가를 받아 근무기간과 관계없이 한국내 체류 가능합니다.
거소신고증 신청을 위해 F4비자 소지자인 원어민 강사는 관할 출입국 사무소를 직접 방문하여 지문체취를 하게 되며, 신청접수 후 약 2~4주 후 거소신고증 카드가 발급됩니다. 거소신고증 카드는 직접 방문 혹은 택배 서비스를 통해 수령가능하나, 택배 서비스를 제공하지 않는 출입국 사무소가 있는 점, 유의하시기 바랍니다.
A Business registration certificate issued by jurisdiction of the tax office. Verification that a contractor or subcontractor is registered as individual business.
원어민 신규 채용 또는 이적 시 근무처의 사업자등록증 또는 고유번호증 사본을 출입국 사무소에 제출해야 합니다.
A document proving the present state and history of institution.
학교장의 서명/직인이 찍힌 학교의 현황 및 연혁표를 출입국사무소에 제출해야 합니다.
When you register your residence or report the change of residence to the immigration office in Korea, you should submit the proof of it. The most important proof is the contract copy.
Prepare a photocopy of the housing lease contract like the following.
1. If you live in a place your employer provides, get a copy of the housing lease contract from him/her.
2. If you have your own housing, you prepare a photocopy of the contract.
3. If you have a place to live but your name is not on the lease, get it from the person whose name is on the lease.
Make sure the housing contract covers your full employment period.
거주/숙소제공 확인서 in Korean
When you register your residence or report the change of residence to the immigration office in Korea, you should submit the proof of it. One of the proof is the signed Confirmation of Residence/Accommodation. Put all of your information in the section 1. Section 2 should be taken care of by the housing provider.
You will need the confirmation of residence in the case of no. 1 or no. 2 only.
- If you live in the place the employer provides, you should get the signed confirmation of residence from him/her.
- If you have a place of residence but your name is not on the lease, you should prepare the confirmation of residence along with a copy of the ID of the person whose name is on the lease as well.
- If you have your own housing and your name is on the lease, you don’t need the confirmation of residence.
학교 또는 학원에서 원어민에게 숙소를 제공하는 경우, 거주/숙소제공 확인서를 출입국사무소에 제출해야 합니다. 학교장 또는 기관의 서명이나 직인이 반드시 필요합니다.
Proof of employment of someone to act as the grantor’s agent.
사업자등록증 또는 고유번호증 상의 대표자 대신 업무 처리를 하는 사람의 재직증명서.
ID card of someone to act as the grantor’s agent.
사업자등록증 또는 고유번호증 상의 대표자 대신 업무 처리를 하는 사람의 신분증.
A teacher who is currently in the process of finishing a teaching contract in Korea and have already employment at a new school must submit Statement on Salary Income Payment (근로소득원천징수 영수증) from the current school at the immigration office for the visa transfer.
E2 비자 이적을 하는 원어민의 경우 전 근무처의 근로소득원천징수 영수증을 출입국관리사무소에 제출해야 합니다.