Passport Photos are photos taken that match the standard passport size of 3.5 x 4.5cm in size. There is no official passport photo “certification”, however, the term is widely used to refer to a professional-looking square photograph that can be physically applied to an application.

How to Obtain

Korvia strongly suggests that applicants use This site allows you to take your own photos in front of a white sheet or wall, and then use the website’s tools to crop it to official proportions and size. You will then be able to save a sheet of the photos to a USB and can then print them at a local pharmacy or drug store for a fraction of the cost it costs to take them at a store.

How Many Do You Need?

It is recommended that you obtain 6 photos, as Korea requires them various other applications and services. Passport sized photos are required for completing the all ESL application forms as during the visa issuance process.

EPIK teachers will only submit 2 photos with their final documents, but you’ll need more for the visa process and again in Korea to apply for your ARC.

Photo and Application Examples

Passport Sized Photo Example
EPIK application photo