For R450, PostNet Pretoria CBD will send your final documents to Korea via DHL. No other courier service can beat this deal!

Or, for R950, they will handle your SAQA, PCC, and DIRCO-related courier services AND send all of your final documents to Korea!

If you are interested in these deals, make sure to read all of the informational material carefully, especially the document titled “Save Money on Domestic & International Courier Services: A How-To Guide for South Africans.”

The R450 Deal (click)

The R950 Deal (click)

Save Money on Domestic & International Courier Services: A How-To Guide for South Africans (click)

NOTE: These deals with PostNet Pretoria CBD are for Korvia applicants only. Although you will save money, your documents might get to us more slowly if you use these deals, because your documents will need to wait at PostNet until they can be bundled with those of other applicants.