
Brunch Makes the Seoul Happy: Great Brunch Restaurants in Seoul

We tasked Kayc from the Mokja Food Blog with coming up with some extraordinary brunch locations for those that have trouble waking up but still want to eat delicious western breakfast food in Seoul. Needless to say, Kayc delivered. Check out these great brunch restaurants in Seoul that he suggests! -- Greetings again food lovers, hope [...]

Pizza, Tacos, Burgers, and Cakes All In and Around Itaewon

Greetings food lovers across the nation. I come here again with a few more places you might want to hit up while on your adventures around Seoul. In this post I’ll be covering a few places in and around Itaewon where you can pop in for a quick fix that won’t cost you an arm [...]

Navigating South Korea’s Spice Factor

South Korean cuisine is notorious for being super spicy. When I first moved here, I felt like I was literally surrounded by spicy food. At the time, I had no idea which options were available to me, so I tried my best to enjoy all the extremely spicy food I ate at restaurants; although, I [...]

By |2018-04-19T20:00:34+09:00August 14th, 2015|Featured Articles, Guides, Living Guides|0 Comments
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