
Pros and Cons of Teaching Kindergarten in South Korea

Most English teaching jobs in South Korea are at private kindergarten academies. For many new teachers, their first year of teaching will be at one of these academies. Teaching small children can be a daunting prospect for many first time teachers with no prior experience working with children. However, if you love children and have [...]

The Secrets to Classroom Management in South Korea

In the classroom, there are many strategies that will work for some teachers, but not for others. Here are a few tips and tricks that have helped me manage my classes effectively in South Korea. The Lesson Planning Stage Preparation for a lesson is not only important for a teacher, but extremely important for your [...]

By |2018-04-19T20:00:33+09:00September 23rd, 2015|Featured Articles, Korvia Contributor Editorials|1 Comment

How To Make Your Teaching Experience in Korea a Success

There are many things that will work, and then there will be many things that will not work during your teaching experience in Korea. Here are a few things that may help you with your transition into the Korean school classroom and lifestyle. This includes introducing yourself, class rules, having a routine in the classroom, [...]

Tips for Teaching Young Learners in Korea

Many new teachers in South Korea who are also new to teaching may feel hesitant about teaching younger learners.  Before coming to South Korea I was absolutely petrified of teaching kindergarten.  I thought they would eat me alive.  For some strange reason I thought teaching middle school or high school would be much easier.  The [...]

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